Friday, August 27, 2010

The Happenings of School

       Hmmmm well school has begun and the world knows the first week of school is the worst. I mean just walking down the hall you can smell the insecurity and desperation as the small 7th graders run past to get to the lunchroom or their next class in time.
        It makes me wonder how the populars became popular and the nerds stayed so low in the social class... the last time I checked we were all equal!  Like really, when we were younger no one was afraid of not fitting in because we didn't care! We just did not care, why is that not as simple as it was before?! Who cares if you are the geek in class who knows all the right answers, or the emo kid who wears all black and dies their hair red. Who cares! The little kids sure don't.   
         When did life change so much in such a small amount of time? Why do I have to care?... I know I don't have to.... so why do I? I ask myself this every day! "Why do you care Katie? Life isn't about being the most popular or the prettiest! So why do you always strive to be like those girls?" Can you give me an answer? Because whenever I ask those questions in my mind not a single idea pops into my head.
           In a way it reminds me of drugs, they are absolutely POINTLESS they waste your money, shorten your life, and in the end where do they get you? RIGHT BACK TO WHERE YOU STARTED with less money and a shorter lifespan! So why do people do them? To get away for a day! Pointless right?! RIGHT!
            So why do we spend an hour in the bathroom doing our hair and makeup? I know why it's so we can at least be "almost" as pretty as the prettiest girl in school. POINTLESS I TELL YOU! But we all do it! And I'm not here to say stop caring because we all know, no matter how inspirational a movie, poem, or book is we will always care! I just wanted to get things off my mind so.... here are my thoughts... tell me what you think, or don't. Whatever works.

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