Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's Time to Let Free and not Hold Back

I have decided to open my mind to the world and look at things like I'm a kid now.  Because well i am a kid.... sort of haha. but when i was little i felt like my childhood was taken away from me because my parents got divorced and i thought that i needed to grow up and grow up FAST  but now that things are mainly sorted out i'm going to look at things in a more child like way.  And no i will not be like a 2 year old who runs around screaming and going wild  but i am going to start explaining things in a much more.... how do i put it... simpler? no.... smarter? maybe...... advanced yet young way? yes.  I am going to start saying things in a more "advanced yet young way."  like first off when i describe the clouds i wont just say long and whispy, but rather like a tightrope with a few loose strands swiftly moving across the sky toward the sun that looks like a big yellow whole that you could dive straight into.  or when asked a question i wont hold back, but instead i will let free every thing i have to offer the world and then some.  and i am starting this now so wish me luck and i bid thee FAREWELL

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